HiSET Reading Practice Test

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The reading content area of the HiSET Test contains 40 multiple-choice questions. The allowed time is 65 minutes. Fictional literature might be included on the test. Fictional literature includes Poetry, Drama, Prose fiction before 1920, Prose fiction between 1920 and 1960, and Prose fiction after 1960.

The HiSET Reading subtest measures your ability to understand, interpret and analyze a broad range of literary and informational texts. The reading selections are from different genres that vary in purpose and style. They may be in the form of memoirs, essays, biographical sketches, editorials, short stories, or poems. The reading selections generally range in length from approximately 400 to 600 words.

Our reading HiSET practice tests contain 10 questions. To achieve the best results on the actual test, we recommend taking as many practice tests as your time allows.

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